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How to Cook Chicken Sausage in Oven? Easy Recipe!

How to Cook Chicken Sausage in Oven

Oven-cooked chicken sausages always turn out great. It does not matter the number of sausages you intend to cook, as long as you follow the correct procedure. The things you need to get started include:


  • Baking tray
  • Tongs
  • Baking sheet


  • Chicken sausages
  • Olive oil
  • Cooking spray


Step 1: Preheat the oven

  • Of course, the first thing you need to do is preheat the oven. Preheat it to 375. Make sure the rack is at the center of the oven as you do this.

Step 2: Prepare the baking tray

  • Place the baking sheet on the tray. Parchment paper and silicone baking mats will also do well if you do not have one. Both are easy to clean up so, and they are ideal. You can now spray the baking sheet or parchment paper with cooking spray or olive oil.

Step 3: Place the sausages on the tray

  • Once the tray is ready, place the sausages on it. Ensure you space them out to ensure they cook well. Place the tray in the oven and allow them to cook.

Step 4: Cook for 30 minutes

  • Allow the sausages to cook for about 30 minutes. Ensure that you flip them with tongs half the time so that all sides can cook well. Also, cook them at 400 degrees. 

Step 5: Check if they are ready

  • Once they change color to a golden brown, the sausages are likely ready. But you can check the internal temperature, and it should be ready at 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Once they reach this, they are ready for serving.