7 Potato Ricer Substitutes: What alternative should I use?

7 Potato Ricer Substitutes: What alternative should I use?

Don’t worry if you don’t have a potato ricer at hand, you can easily make mashed potatoes without one or any substitutes!

A potato ricer is a tool in the kitchen that allows you to extract all the water from cooked potatoes to make the highly desired fluffy mashed potatoes. This device can also be used for other vegetables like carrots, turnips, etc.

However, even though it seems simple enough, there are many types of rice out there, and knowing which one is right for your needs can be challenging.

How to rice potatoes without a ricer? It’s possible? Yes!

7 Potato ricer substitutes: The best alternatives

Potato ricer substitutes: The best alternatives

Here are the 7 best alternatives that can help you substitute potato ricer:

1. A Colander And A Wooden Spoon

The most common way to make potatoes is by boiling them, with the advantage of using leftover boiled potatoes for a variety of recipes in the next few days. However, if you’re going to boil them anyway, why not boil them and then pass them through a colander

Simply place the cooked potatoes in a colander with big holes to let water drain but small enough to hold potato pieces in. Pass the boiled potatoes through the colander using a sturdy spoon and get fluffy mashed potatoes. A silicone spatula works great too.

2. Food Mill

Food mills are also common kitchen gadgets that can make mashed potatoes. A food mill will get the job done and is a great alternative if you don’t have a potato ricer. It’s also time-efficient because it doesn’t require any pre-boiling or drying of the potatoes

3. Grater or Microplane

A simple cheese grater or Microplane can be used to make mashed potatoes. Just be careful not to grate or shave the cooked potatoes as you pass them through the grater.

4. Rolling pin

Rolling pins are not technically ricers, but they can easily replace one if need be. For example, potatoes packaged in supermarkets usually come peeled, so using a rolling pin is a great time saver if you don’t have a ricer.

5. Food processor

Food processors also make mashed potatoes, although it’s not as quick as using a rolling pin because you’ll need to cut the potatoes up before processing them. You can use your regular food processor or even an immersion blender if you want to make smooth and creamy mashed potatoes.

6. Potato masher

A potato masher is another kitchen tool you can use to make mashed potatoes without a ricer. It’s the cheapest alternative of all, so it will not break your budget if you don’t have one.

7. Electric mixer

Electric mixers are not designed to make mashed potatoes, but they can do the job. Just be careful with cream-based recipes because they might get too watery.

Can I mash potatoes without a ricer?

Mashed potatoes

Making mashed potatoes without a ricer might require more work, but you can still use any of the substitutes mentioned above, even if you haven’t pre-boiled them. If that’s not your style or if you’re looking for faster ways to make mashed potatoes, then boiling, mashing, and ricing are all good options.

If you already have a ricer and want to get the most out of it, remember to dry your boiled potatoes after ricing them. This will ensure that your mashed potatoes come out fluffy and smooth every time.

A potato ricer can be expensive if you don’t use it frequently. If you’re not sure whether or not it’s worth buying one, consider these seven ways to substitute for a potato ricer in your kitchen arsenal.

Can I make a DIY potato ricer?

DIY potato ricer

Yes, making a simple potato ricer with items you may already have at home is possible. All you need are plastic bottles, scissors, rubber bands, and aluminum foil. 

Check below the best 6 DIY ideas to make potato ricer!

1. PVC pipe potato ricer

A potato ricer is a kitchen tool that processes potatoes by pushing them through small holes and gives you fluffy and creamy mashed potatoes in return. The novelty here is that it’s made out of PVC pipe, so if you’re short on money but willing to improvise, then this idea can work for you.

2. Potato ricer with a clothespin

A potato ricer is a kitchen tool that processes potatoes by pushing them through small holes and gives you fluffy and creamy mashed potatoes in return. It can be an interesting idea to try if you’re looking for a substitute for a ricer.

3. Potato ricer with a straw

A potato ricer is a kitchen tool that processes potatoes by pushing them through small holes and gives you fluffy and creamy mashed potatoes in return. If you want to improvise and make your version of a potato ricer, this idea might be worth trying because it’s simple and cheap.

4. Potato ricer with a spoon

A potato ricer is a kitchen tool that processes potatoes by pushing them through small holes and gives you fluffy and creamy mashed potatoes in return. If you don’t have one but want to make your mashed potatoes right now, this idea can work for you! All you need is a spoon, and that’s it.

5. Potato ricer with clothes hanger

A potato ricer is a kitchen tool that processes potatoes by pushing them through small holes and gives you fluffy and creamy mashed potatoes in return. If you want to improvise and make your version of a potato ricer, this idea might be worth trying because it’s simple and cheap. Also, it’s made out of a clothes hanger, so if you don’t have one at home, check your closet, too.

6. A potato ricer with a basket and a spoon

A potato ricer is a kitchen tool that processes potatoes by pushing them through small holes and gives you fluffy and creamy mashed potatoes in return. If you don’t have one at home but want to make your mashed potatoes right now, this idea can work for you! All you need is a straw and a bowl, and that’s it.

With these six unique DIY substitution ideas for potato ricer, you can come up with the perfect substitute every time and enjoy perfectly mashed potatoes in no time.

Some other potato ricer substitutes that you can use



Blenders are great kitchen tools that can substitute for a ricer. It gives you the option to use leftovers or pre-boiled potatoes, plus it’s an easy way to make smooth and creamy mashed potatoes without lumps.

Garlic Press

If you have a garlic press at home, why not try making mashed potatoes with it? It might work if your potato ricer is at the repair shop.

Potato Ricer Sponge

Potato ricer sponges are great kitchen accessories if you do not have a ricer at home. All you need to do is attach them to the edges of your pot and press the cooked potatoes through the holes by squeezing them.

Grate The Potatoes With A Cheese Grater

It’s also possible to grate the potatoes with a cheese grater. Keep in mind that this technique will leave you with finished mashed potatoes, which are quite watery, but it can work well for hearty recipes like potato pancakes or fried potatoes.

Food Mill Spatula

Food mill spatulas are great kitchen accessories that you can use to press the potatoes through your food mill. It’s a mini version of a potato ricer, and it will get the job done just as well if you don’t have one at home.

Rolling Pin Or A Stick Blender

Rolling pins and stick blenders are substitutes for ricers if you don’t have one at hand. To use them, just roll them on top of boiled potatoes, and you will get fluffy mashed potatoes in no time.

What’s the best potato ricer for you?


The answer to this question depends on your budget and exactly how often you intend to use a potato ricer. If it will be one of your most frequently used kitchen utensils, then spending a little more money on a high-quality product will save you lots of money over the years.

On the other hand, if you only need a potato ricer from time to time, any of these substitutes will do just fine and will not break your budget either.

Both stainless steel and non-stick models are great but remember that stainless steel is more durable and easier to clean because it doesn’t have any coating. The best potato ricer is the one that you feel most comfortable using, and that’s able to do its job properly.

In any case, a potato ricer will make your cooking experience easier and more enjoyable while saving time and effort too.

Final Words

A potato ricer is a kitchen utensil that makes cooking delicious mashed potatoes so much easier. The best potato ricer for you will depend on how often you use it and your budget. You can also use substitutes such as a colander, food mill, rolling pin, etc.

So, what is the best alternative for a potato ricer? Please, feel free to leave your opinion in the comments below!

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Candy Seideman has been cooking for most of her life. In fact she is referred to as "The Chef" by most of her close family not only because she attended culinary school and was an actual chef, but also because she has a passion for cooking for friends and family.