5 Best Rice for Rice Pudding: What is The Best Choice?

5 Best Rice for Rice Pudding: What is the best?

The best rice for rice pudding is medium grain rice which includes many highly regarded varieties, including sushi rice or pearl rice (also called bomba). Medium-grain rice has a higher starch content than long-grain, giving it a softer texture when cooked.

Some cooks prefer the flavor of short-grain or sticky rice for rice pudding, but cooking time and the final consistency of the dish may be slightly different.

What kind of rice do you use for rice pudding?


Rice pudding is most commonly made with medium-grain rice. Medium-grain rice is best. Many recipes call for cooking the pudding uncovered to achieve a creamy consistency; others recommend partially covering the pan to prevent too much evaporation during cooking.

Although basmati and jasmine rice are both long-grain rice, they don’t typically make good pudding because of their flavor and starch content. Basmati is a fragrant, delicate rice used to make pilaf or biryani (Indian dish). 

Jasmine rice is a perfumed variety grown in Thailand and Vietnam; it is similar to basmati, but with a higher starch content. Sushi rice is short-grain and not a good choice for pudding because it exudes a lot of moisture when cooked.

Arborio rice or risotto rice is often used for desserts on the theory that its higher starch content will give you a richer dish.

We think long-grain white rice works just as well, if not better. It’s easier to find than Arborio and doesn’t need to be rinsed before cooking (which saves time). The grains are also starchier, giving you a creamier pudding.

The best rice selection for rice pudding: 5 Alternatives

Best rice for rice pudding

Many rice varieties work well for preparing rice pudding. These include sushi rice, jasmine rice, basmati rice, or medium-grain white rice.

1) Rice pudding with sushi rice

Sushi rice is a type of medium grain rice that has been specially cultivated to ensure softness and stickiness when cooked. Sushi rice is commonly used in Japanese cuisine, where it is the traditional ingredient of the molded sushi dish

It is also used to make onigiri and ochazuke. Outside Japan, it can be found in some American supermarkets and restaurants specializing in Japanese dishes. Sushi rice has a mild flavor and scent compared to other varieties of rice, and it is sticky when cooked. 

Sushi rice is usually more expensive than the other varieties of medium grain white rice. It may be difficult to find at some supermarkets. Substitute a medium-grain white rice if you can’t find sushi rice in your area.

2) Rice pudding with basmati rice

Basmati rice is a long-grain variety of white rice that originated in the Indian subcontinent. It has a characteristic “pandan” fragrance and flavor, attributed to its elevated oil content. It can be found in some American supermarkets. 

Basmati rice must be rinsed thoroughly before cooking to remove excess starches that can make the rice gluey. Soaking it for at least 30 minutes and then draining off the water before cooking will help reduce its stickiness once cooked. 

Basmati, also known as “royal rice”, is aromatic long-grain rice grown in the foothills of the Himalayas. Basmati has a light and fluffy texture when cooked, which works nicely with the creamy consistency of rice pudding.

3) Rice pudding with jasmine rice

Jasmine rice is a long-grain variety of white rice that originated in Thailand. It has a more pronounced flavor and scent compared to other varieties of rice. In Thai cuisine, jasmine rice is mostly used as an accompaniment for spicy dishes as its fragrance complements the taste of chilli pepper. 

Jasmine rice can be found in some supermarkets outside the Thai communities. Substitute another medium-grain white rice if you cannot find jasmine rice. Medium-grain white rice is an aromatic long-grain rice grown in both dry fields and wet paddies throughout Southeast Asia. It has a higher starch content than basmati or sushi rice, which gives it a creamy texture when cooked. 

Jasmine, also known as “sweet-smelling rice,” is an aromatic long-grain rice that takes on a translucent appearance when cooked. It has a flavor similar to basmati but with a nutty taste.

4) Rice pudding with Arborio rice

Arborio is a medium-grain white rice that is commonly used for making risotto. It has medium-length grains with a higher percentage of amylopectin, which gives the rice a high starch content. 

Arborio takes on an opaque appearance when cooked and has an al dente texture. Substitute other medium-grain white rice if you cannot find Arborio in your area. 

Arborio is typically used for making risotto because it has a high starch content that creates creamy consistency when cooked. Although it may take a few minutes to cook risotto rice thoroughly, its creamy texture works well for rice pudding.

5) Rice pudding with long-grain white rice

Long-grain white rice is an aromatic long-grain rice grown in both dry fields and wet paddies throughout Southeast Asia. It has a higher starch content than basmati or sushi rice, which gives it a creamy texture when cooked

Long-grain white rice can be found in some American supermarkets. Regular long-grain white rice can also substitute medium-grain rice in this recipe. Many cooks prefer the flavor of short- or sticky rice for rice pudding, but cooking time and the final consistency of the dish may be slightly different.

What is the difference between Arborio rice and medium-grain white rice?

Arborio rice
Arborio rice

Arborio rice has a higher starch content than long grain white rice. The extra starch gives it a softer texture when cooked, which makes it better at absorbing flavors from sauces or other ingredients, such as the creamy milk and sugar that make up a classic rice pudding.

Should I use short-grain pudding rice?

Yes, you can. You may need to adjust the liquid-to-rice ratio to ensure that the result is creamy and not dry or stuck together. Short-grain white rice or sushi rice are other varieties that work well for this recipe.

Can you use jasmine rice for rice pudding?

Yes, you can. You may need to adjust the liquid-to-rice ratio to ensure that the result is creamy and not dry or stuck together. The flavor of jasmine rice is comparable to that of basmati rice; however, it has a more nutty taste.

6 Reasons why jasmine rice is good for rice pudding

Jasmine rice

1) Jasmine rice has a delicate flavor and naturally fragrant aroma that is perfect for pairing with sweet or savory foods. 

2) It is known to easily take on the flavors of other ingredients, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of dishes.

3) The slender grains of jasmine rice is ideal for pairing with delicate flavors and ingredients, such as seafood. 

4) Jasmine rice can also be used to make various sweet dishes, including sticky rice desserts and other types of Asian rice pudding.

5) The creamy texture of jasmine rice works well for making a classic Thai dessert.

6) The slightly chewy consistency of jasmine rice is a tasty alternative to Arborio or other risotto rice.

Can I use glutinous rice for rice pudding? 

Glutinous rice for rice pudding

Glutinous, or “sticky,” rice has a strong flavor that works well with sweet ingredients, including fruit and syrup.

It is best prepared as an accompaniment instead of being used as a traditional rice pudding base. 

Can you use Basmati rice for rice pudding?

Basmati rice

Yes, you can. The most common rice used for making rice pudding is long-grain white rice, but Basmati rice, which has a distinctive nutty and floral fragrance, also works well in this dessert dish. However, rice pudding is a delicious dessert that can be made with various kinds of rice.

Basmati rice is a bowl of heavenly rice that can be cooked in any dish. It makes a delicious rice pudding. Basmati rice has a lot of varieties.

5 Reasons why basmati rice is good for rice pudding

Basmati rice

1) Basmati is a long-grain rice that can make fried rice or other types of savory dishes.

2) The slender grains of basmati are ideal for pairing delicate flavors and ingredients, such as seafood.

3) Basmati rice has an aromatic fragrance that works well in sweet dishes, including classic rice pudding.

4) The creamy texture of basmati provides an excellent contrast to the crunchy flavor and texture of nuts, dried fruit, or other garnishes often added to rice pudding.

5) Basmati rice has a subtle flavor that complements peaches and apricots, typically included in rice pudding recipes.

Why is sushi rice an excellent choice for rice pudding?

Sushi rice
Sushi rice

Rice pudding is a creamy dish made with various kinds of rice. The most common rice used for making rice pudding is long-grain white rice.

Sushi rice, which absorbs flavors from the soya sauce and vinegar marinade. It is typically served and also works well in this dessert dish. Sushi rice is a bowl of unique rice used in many dessert dishes.

Final words

Sushi rice, jasmine rice, basmati rice, or medium-grain white rice are the best to make creamy and soft pudding. Use short-grain white rice or sushi rice for sticky pudding. Try blending in some other types of rice in your cooking, too! It’s good to experiment with different textures.

So, do you already know what is the best type of rice for rice pudding? Please, feel free to leave your comments below!

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Candy Seideman has been cooking for most of her life. In fact she is referred to as "The Chef" by most of her close family not only because she attended culinary school and was an actual chef, but also because she has a passion for cooking for friends and family.