Turkey Breast Cooking Temperature: Internal (When done)

Turkey Breast Cooking Temperature: Internal (When done)

Today we are going to talk about the ideal temperature for cooked turkey breast. I will talk about the ideal internal temperature and the oven temperature at which it should be cooked.

And if so, how do you make sure your turkey reaches that temperature without overcooking it? This blog post will answer all those questions and more!

Keep reading for the ultimate guide to cooking a perfect turkey breast. Now you would know how to make a perfect turkey at home.

What is the best temperature to cook Turkey breast?

The best temperature to cook Turkey breast

One hundred sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit (165ºF) is the safe internal temperature for cooked turkey breast, meaning that your bird is fully cooked and safe to eat. This temperature can be measured in the thickest part of the breast, near the bone, with a meat thermometer.

Once your turkey has reached 165 degrees Fahrenheit, it is done cooking and should be removed from the heat immediately to prevent overcooking.

What is the best temperature to cook boneless turkey breast?

The best temperature to cook boneless turkey breast is 165 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature can be measured in the thickest part of the meat, near the bone, with a meat thermometer.

Once your turkey has reached 165 degrees Fahrenheit, it is done cooking and should be removed from the heat immediately to prevent overcooking.

The Ideal internal temperature for ready-to-eat Turkey

Turkey breast internal temperature

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) advises cooking turkey to an internal temperature of 165 degrees F (73.9 degrees C) to ensure food safety.

Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature in the innermost part of the thigh and wing and the thickest part of the breast. The turkey is safe to eat when the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees F throughout the bird.

One hundred sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit is the ideal internal temperature for ready-to-eat turkey. This temperature can be measured in the thickest part of the meat, near the bone, with a meat thermometer. Once your turkey has reached 165 degrees Fahrenheit, it is done.

Entire Turkey:

(Including Breast) White and dark meat should reach a minimum internal temperature of 165° F as measured with a food thermometer.

While cooking your turkey to165 degrees Fahrenheit is the safest way to ensure that it is fully cooked, there are other ways to tell if your bird is done. One way is to cook it until the juices run clear. Another way is to Pierce the skin of the breast with a sharp knife.

If the meat is cooked through, the juices will run clear, and the meat will be white all the way through. If the juices are pink or red, or the meat is still pink near the bone, it needs to cook longer.

Turkey breast:

It is done cooking when it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature can be measured in the thickest part of the meat, near the bone, with a meat thermometer.

Once your turkey breast has reached 165 degrees Fahrenheit, it is done cooking and should be removed from the heat immediately to prevent overcooking.

To avoid overcooking your turkey breast, check the internal temperature frequently with a meat thermometer. Once the turkey breast reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit, it is done cooking and should be removed from the heat immediately.

Boneless turkey:

The breast is done cooking when it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature can be measured in the thickest part of the meat, near the bone, with a meat thermometer.

Once your turkey has reached 165 degrees Fahrenheit, it is done cooking and should be removed from the heat immediately to prevent overcooking.

To avoid overcooking your turkey, check the internal temperature frequently with a meat thermometer. Once the turkey breast reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit, it is done cooking and should be removed from the heat immediately.

Turkey Breast Cooking Temperature: Internal (When done)

Turkey Breast at The Right Temperature

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 50 minutes
Resting Time 20 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 12 Servings


  • 1 Turkey breast
  • 2 tbsp Butter
  • 1 teaspoon Salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon Black pepper


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
  • Rub the turkey breast with butter, and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  • Place the turkey breast, skin side up, on a rack in a roasting pan.
  • Insert a meat thermometer into the thickest part of the breast, ensuring it does not touch the bone.
  • Roast in the oven for 50 minutes or until the internal temperature of the turkey breast reaches 180 degrees F (85 degrees C).
  • Remove from oven, and allow to rest for 10 minutes before carving.
  • Enjoy!
Keyword Cooking turkey breast at the right temperature

How do I know that the Turkey breast is done?

The best way to know if the turkey breast is done is to use a meat thermometer. The turkey is done when the internal temperature of the meat reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Another way to tell if the turkey is done is to cook it until the juices run clear. 

Another way is to Pierce the skin of the breast with a sharp knife. If the meat is cooked through, the juices will run clear, and the meat will be white all the way through. If the juices are pink or red, or the meat is still pink near the bone, it needs to cook longer.

Tips and tricks for a better turkey breast

Delicious cooked turkey

First of all, preheat your oven to the right temperature. The general rule is to cook your turkey at 325 degrees Fahrenheit but check your recipe to be sure.

  1. Bring your turkey to room temperature before cooking. This allows for even cooking and prevents the outside of the bird from overcooking while the inside is still cold.
  2. Season your turkey well. Be generous with the salt, pepper, and other spices you like.
  3. Use a roasting rack. This elevates the turkey so that hot air can circulate evenly around it, resulting in more even cooking.
  4. Baste your turkey regularly. Basting helps keep the meat moist and prevents it from drying out.
  5. Use a meat thermometer. A meat thermometer is the best way to know when your turkey is fully cooked. The internal temperature of the turkey should be at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
  6. Let your turkey rest before carving. This allows the juices to redistribute and makes a juicier, more flavorful turkey.
  7. Carve your turkey against the grain. This will result in more tender slices of meat.
  8. Save the bones for stock. Turkey bones make great stock for soup or gravy.

Enjoy your hard work! A perfectly cooked turkey is a delicious reward for your efforts.

What are some tips for cooking a perfect turkey breast?

Meat thermometer

Here are a few tips to help you cook a perfect turkey breast:

  • Use a meat thermometer to check the bird’s internal temperature periodically throughout cooking.
  • Cook the turkey breast until the juices run clear.
  • Pierce the skin of the breast with a sharp knife to check for doneness.
  • Remove the turkey from the heat once it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Allow the turkey to rest for at least 20 minutes before carving.
  • Slice against the grain for tender slices of meat.

With these tips, you’ll be able to cook a perfect turkey breast that is juicy, tender, and safe to eat!

How do you make sure turkey breast reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit?

There are a few different ways to make sure your turkey breast reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit. First, you can use a meat thermometer to check the bird’s internal temperature periodically throughout cooking. Make sure to insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the breast, near the bone.

Another way to ensure that your turkey breast reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit is to cook it until the juices run clear. To do this, pierce the skin of the breast with a sharp knife and check to see if the juices that run out are clear or pink. If they are clear, your turkey is done cooking.

Finally, you can cook your turkey breast until it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit on a meat thermometer and the juices run clear. This is the safest way to ensure that your bird is fully cooked and safe to eat.

What are the risks of undercooking turkey breast?

Undercooked turkey breast can pose a serious health risk as it may contain harmful bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Symptoms of food poisoning include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. In severe cases, food poisoning can lead to hospitalization or even death.

What are the risks of overcooking turkey breast?

While overcooked turkey is not necessarily unsafe to eat, it can be dry, tough, and difficult to chew. This is because the muscle fibers in the meat contract and squeeze out moisture as they cook.

To avoid overcooking your turkey breast, check the internal temperature frequently with a meat thermometer. Once the turkey breast reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit, it is done cooking and should be removed from the heat immediately.

Final Words

Following these tips will help you cook a turkey breast that is juicy, tender, and safe to eat!

Preheat your oven to the right temperature, bring your turkey to room temperature before cooking, season the turkey well, and use a meat thermometer to check doneness. Basting the turkey regularly will also help keep it moist.

Letting the turkey rest before carving is important, and carving against the grain will result in more tender slices of meat. Finally, don’t forget to enjoy your hard work! A delicious, perfectly cooked turkey is a great reward for your efforts.

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Candy Seideman has been cooking for most of her life. In fact she is referred to as "The Chef" by most of her close family not only because she attended culinary school and was an actual chef, but also because she has a passion for cooking for friends and family.