How Long to Cook Spaghetti Noodles? 7 Minutes Recipe

How Long to Cook Spaghetti Noodles? Recipe!

How long does it take to cook spaghetti noodles? I have the best recipe ever for you!

Spaghetti is a thousand-year-old dish. Let that sink in. I’m pretty sure Italians have been roasting people about breaking spaghetti in half and putting oil in the boiling water for ages!

But are these cooking methods that bad? Do most people cook spaghetti incorrectly? There are many confusions when it comes to this long noodle, that’s for sure.

For a start, there are many different types of spaghetti, including spaghettini (a thinner spaghetti), lentil spaghetti, black spaghetti with calamari ink, and many others. They all have their methods for cooking them to perfection.

But to make this as simple as possible, everything we discuss is for plain spaghetti, which is found all over grocery stores. There are dirt cheap and expensive ones. We like to think that for more money we can get much better spaghetti. But I’m about to change your life. It all comes down to cooking techniques and preparations.

Fortunately, you can make a Gordon Ramsay-approved dish with brand-name, cheap spaghetti by knowing the appropriate techniques. Intrigued already?

Let’s dive in and learn every small detail about how long to cook and prepare the best spaghetti noodles.

What is the best way to cook spaghetti noodles?

Spaghetti noodles

Cooking great pasta is the easiest thing. Regrettably, you have to eat a few bad ones to appreciate the perfect spaghetti. There are so many misconceptions and ideas floating around with word-of-mouth that it’s hard to combat them all.

Does olive oil in the boiling water help unstick spaghetti? Do you have to wash the cooked noodles with cold water? Does pasta cooking water thicken sauces? How much salt do you need in the cooking water? And there are so many more…

First and foremost, do not add any oil to the cooking water. Oil and water do not mix, but no sauce will adhere to your spaghetti after it has been bathed in oil.

To prevent pasta from sticking together, boil it in plenty of water, don’t overcrowd the pot, mix it frequently, and add sauce as soon as possible. Spaghetti is best served fresh.

But most importantly, you have to rehydrate starch components at high heat, meaning hot-boiling water.

Partially hydrolyzed starch (cooked on medium heat) can become sticky. Add spaghetti slowly and gradually to boiling water so as not to cool it down. Keep up the heat and use plenty of water, and you won’t have that issue.

The bad news is that after eating and plating perfect spaghetti, bad ones will start to look like cat food to you.

What is the best temperature to cook spaghetti noodles?

Spaghetti noodles cooking time and temperature

The ideal temperature for cooking spaghetti is determined by several factors. First, consider the type of spaghetti. There are a variety of them, each with its own set of ingredients. The cooking time for store-bought plain spaghetti ranges from 6 to 15 minutes. That is a broad range.

High heat can quickly harden spaghetti made from lentils, legumes, beans, and peas. It’s best to cook them on medium heat for a little longer, up to 15-20 minutes.

Not all pasta must be cooked at a rolling boil. Cheaper ones are more likely to break easily, so temper the heat and mix them with a soft spatula.

Some Italian or handmade spaghetti tastes better when added to boiling water gradually and slightly lowered in temperature.

Because the starch in any pasta begins to absorb water at 180 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s best to keep the temperature above that, but not necessarily 212 degrees. You won’t need a thermometer; constant bubbling on the surface of the water will suffice.

How long does it take to cook spaghetti noodles?

How long does it take to cook spaghetti noodles

We could simply say to follow the instructions behind each spaghetti box, but that’s not entirely useful or precise and correct.

Cooking instructions are not included with mass-produced goods to ensure the highest possible food quality. They serve as a common ground for how most people will find that ingredient acceptable in terms of health and safety.

We suppose that you love your pasta as much as we do, so we strive for maximum quality and information. If you cook your spaghetti for 12-15 minutes, don’t invite me for dinner or any Italians whatsoever.

One excellent method is to cook the spaghetti in very salty water on high heat for 6 minutes. Drain it. Then cook it for 2 more minutes in the sauce. 

Generally, spaghetti stops being al dente after 7 minutes. That is when cooked in boiling water. When you have to cook them on medium heat for some reason, add an extra 2-3 minutes. But cooking spaghetti beyond 10 minutes will make an Italian cry somewhere, for sure. Don’t do it.

How Long to Cook Spaghetti Noodles? Recipe!

How to Cook Spaghetti Noodles

Learn how to cook spaghetti noodles in just a few minutes. Check out bellow our 3 ingredients recipe!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 7 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 4 Servings


  • Spaghetti noodles
  • Water
  • Salt


  • First, bring well-salted water to a boil. The water itself has to taste salty. You need five times as much water as spaghetti.
  • Gradually add the spaghetti noodles, making sure that the water never cools down significantly.
  • Stir it frequently, especially in the beginning.
  • Cook it for 6-7 minutes. 
  • Taste-test one strand of spaghetti noodles, and stop cooking once it’s al dente. 
  • You can reserve some cooking water before draining the spaghetti. This will later emulsify the sauce and thicken it for your pasta dish. It also adds a nice gleaming gloss to it.
  • Bathe the spaghetti in the sauce as soon as you can and serve them FRESH!
Keyword How to Cook Spaghetti Noodles

Aside from the traditional method of cooking, high-end restaurants use a relatively unknown method. It provides a distinct, cohesive, firm outside and soft inside texture that is distributed evenly throughout. But how is this even possible?

Let’s see how they do a perfect spaghetti course.

  1. Soak the dried spaghetti (this doesn’t work with a fresh one) in water for 2-3 hours.
  2. Boil a large pot of very salty water. It needs to be as hot as possible. 
  3. Set aside another pot of water.
  4. Very gently, extremely slowly, add small batches of spaghetti, and boil them for 1,5-3 minutes each. 
  5. Plopping them right into the fresh pot of room-temperature water, just for 30 seconds. 
  6. Drain the batches of spaghetti in a colander. 
  7. Serve them fresh, mixed in with the sauce.

This method yields a better texture because the spaghetti noodles cook evenly and adhere to sauces much better. It gives spaghetti the perfect cohesion and texture. However, do not soak or drain it in cold water, as this will wash away the starches.

How do I know when the spaghetti noodles are done?

In these moments, science and cooking collide. Scientifically accurate answers are due to questions like these.

High-end chefs use an intuitive method. Take a bite of a strand of spaghetti. There must be some texture, but not in a gummy way. It’s neither crunchy nor sticky. It should not stick to your teeth.

It must have a slight chew to it because it will continue to cook after you drain it. If you intend to cook it further in the sauce or slightly heat is mixed with the sauce, stop cooking it while it is still a little raw.

When you break up the spaghetti, there should be a bright dot in the center if it’s a little raw. You’ve overcooked it if it’s easily breaking apart.

Tips and tricks for a better recipe

Spaghetti noodles

There are thousands of ways to prepare spaghetti. We do, however, have some traditional Italian favorites. Almost all of them contain various types of tomatoes, garlic, and mature cheeses.

Some of the most exquisite pasta tomatoes are Marzano and sugar plum grape tomatoes. The combination of sweet carrots, full-bodied red wine, and cherry tomatoes makes an excellent sofrito base.

Carbonara is another classic. The real deal has nothing to do with cream. For an authentic Spaghetti Carbonara, you only need egg yolks, Pecorino Romano and Parmigiano Reggiano, ground black pepper and salt, and a cup of pasta cooking water. Nothing else!

Should I cook the spaghetti noodles in the Instant Pot?

It’s a lot easier and faster to make meat, pasta, and sauce all in one pot. Who doesn’t want to cook dinner half the time? It will quickly become your favorite kitchen appliance.

It is understandably not called authentically Italian or fine-dining. However, for busy days and a hungry family, it can be a lifesaver as well as a no-fuss, hands-off option.

It takes around 30 minutes, from start to finish. Cook the meat, vegetables, and sauce you want to use before adding the pasta. Then there are the spaghetti noodles. We have to remind ourselves that instant pots are more than just pressure cookers, and they come in very handy with meals like this.

In some ways, instant pot spaghetti noodles cling to the sauce better. Furthermore, you can save a lot of time on the dishes, significantly reducing the cleanup time.

Can I cook the noodles in the oven?

Oven baking spaghetti noodles sounds like a risqué move. We can assure you, it’s much easier than you think. You don’t even need to pre-cook them

Simply mix the spaghetti noodles with 1 cup of water for every portion, oil or butter, some sauce, and seasonings. To enhance the flavors, use broth instead of plain water. Make sure the liquid completely covers the pasta.

Bake for at least 30 minutes at 250 degrees Fahrenheit in an oven-safe dish. The process is sped up by preheating the oven.

Final Words

Now you can make a banging pasta dish, also an authentic one. After our guide, you can confidently invite any Italian foodie for dinner.  

Each person, however, has their taste and preference. Some people prefer their pasta al dente. Some people prefer their Bolognese piled on top of naked pasta, as if at a cantine.

There is no shame in preparing dishes the way you like to. If you love your pasta overcooked, have it that way! Because life is short, make the most of your meals.

So, do you already know how long does it take to cook spaghetti noodles in the oven, and on the stove? Please, feel free to leave your comments below!

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Candy Seideman has been cooking for most of her life. In fact she is referred to as "The Chef" by most of her close family not only because she attended culinary school and was an actual chef, but also because she has a passion for cooking for friends and family.